La maison de pommard

It is no secret that Burgundy, like Nice, is “another” France. Nice is special for the way life goes on there. Burgundy - for wine. As one of the most expensive wine destinations in the world, Burgundy welcomes a vast amount of wine lovers, and those who come know what they're looking for. Finesse, elegance, authenticity, great food, and even more excellent wine; by that, we understand gems that are not to be found anywhere else in the world, or if they are there, you most probably need to hunt down the people who sell them. It is a very closed world. But it's closed only when you are not there. Once you arrive at the right place and at the right time, the gate is open for your enjoyment, and one of those magical places is La Maison Pommard. 

Signe Meirane