Pork tenderloins with porcini

For someone born in a country where the mushroom gathering is like football in France and the forests are very generous, from porcini to chantarelles and other mushrooms, it is hard to consume the idea of French mushroom prices, as even in the harshest years in Latvia, the price could go maximum to 40 euros, usually being around 15-20 euros per kg, whereas in France 50-60 euros in kg. So, as one could imagine, those fall treats are not being enjoyed here in France as much as in Latvia, Estonia, or Lithuania, where the fall menu is all about cooking fresh mushrooms and winter is about dried or pickled ones. But on days like this recent Saturday, with fall cold being colder than expected, it was time to indulge in them. This time with a gravy-like sauce and a slice of pork. 

Signe Meirane