Wednesday market carbonara

From time to time I like to take a break and walk to the Wednesday Place Carnot market next to Lyon Perrache station. It is one of those rare markets where most of the produce is either organic or at least from local farms, making it more sustainable and seasonal and to be fair, much more exciting, as with the changes of the seasons, there is so much change in produce that it just makes one adapt and be creative. I do have my favourites at that market, with whom I speak my very broken French, yet I had never seen a stand that inspired me to make this simple and creamy carbonara. As I stood in the queue to get my jambonneau that I would turn into a very local dish with lentils, I noticed a lady in front of me buying thin slices of smoked pork belly, so beloved in French cuisine. It was at that moment I knew, a carbonara would be on the menu one day soon. And it was.

Signe Meirane