
I met her one day in Café Mokxa, where she patiently waited for me while sipping coffee. Mokxa, one of my dearest coffee places in Lyon, as well as the coffee I buy for home, as it turns out, is her husband’s pride and joy, while the Awachaï is the child of her passion. The child that I have been buying and consuming not only at Café Mokxa but also at home, preparing the drinks myself, as compared to other drinks of this kind, Awachaï has something more there. Less sugar, deeper taste, more spices, distinguished aromas and an overall tasteful experience, whereas sometimes drinking other chai lattes brings you more of an illusion that it is chai latte.

Awachaï range, one can buy at coffee shops and online, which does not include the mixes they make for coffee places in Lyon, Paris, and France, consists of four drinks which are Chai Latte, Masala Chai Garam, Golden Latte, and Matcha. Those where sugar is needed are made with not just one but sometimes even three different sugars to complement each other and give a much deeper taste. Spices present in the first three drinks are mixed in the most generous and balanced way. While chai latte plays with spices in milder intensities, Masala has that very needed kick that winter asks for. The addition of bergamot makes it one of the perfect winter drinks, whereas the golden latte, made with some cardamom, ginger, and black pepper, is the most soothing drink at almost every moment when cold or rain arrives. And, as for the matcha, it is the one that is vibrant in colour and highest in taste, as coming from Japan and produced in the most natural manner, it presents what matcha should be.

Order here
Taste and buy in La Boîte à Café, Lyon
Mokxa, Lyon and Strasbourg