Paris. Carré Pain De Mie.

You might be indifferent to this name - pain de mie – that is, in a manner, simple toast bread. Yet when living in France, there is no chance that you could stay impartial to something that involves flour, water, milk, (maybe) sugar, and (sometimes) butter – all called bread. So, even if you think that toast bread or the very famous pain de mie is one of your least favorite types of bread, and you don't even care about its existence, you come to realize that when there's a good one on your radar, you keep coming back to it, again and again. I have discovered a few beautiful pain de mie in Lyon quite close to our home, but this one from Carre stands out, and quite significantly. First of all, it is made from Japanese flour, which, secondly, makes it not only just as puffy as other pain de mie but raises the puffiness to another level. It is dense and light at the same time. It is undoubtedly one of the best pain de mies to have. 

Instagram: @carrepaindemieparis