St. Emilion

As much as I would like to say about St. Emilion, there is nothing that I could tell you that will give you that feeling when walking there. This world famous and tiny wine and vineyard-surrounded village is something that I wish everyone could experience. Just a few hours of walking can actually do the trick, but a few days will let you feel it. Even after 11 years, when we came on our honeymoon, the village stood there almost untouched, with its city tower, church, region’s biggest wine shop and France’s first macaron shop. The only thing that did change – our restaurant on the corner was closed, leaving behind the tasty memories of the 7-set menu.

Do visit:
The famous macaron shop, Ferlion-Macarons, on 9 Rue Guadet, St. Emilion
Biodynamic winey (right on the border of the city) Clos Fourtet, 1 Le Châtelet-Sud, St. Émilion