Markets. Tel Aviv

HaTikva market (Shuk HaTikva)

Off the beaten track and fantastic. The later the hour, the louder the market. While the locals snack at the famous Yemen bar, singing and even dancing, others try to outdo them. There you’ll also find the city’s best pita at the stand with olives and everything marinated. It seems that the olives will disappear, but let’s not forget that it is the market where people go to find out about the latest trends. This is a smaller and more authentic version of the Carmel market with indisputably better prices and an interesting experience. Right next-door is Dilek’s Turkish eatery that I mentioned earlier, as well Boaz’s Soups across the street that you must try. Thank you chef Other Eidelman for this discovery.  Address: HaTikva St, Tel Aviv

Carmel market (Shuk HaCarmel)

The most famous market visited by locals and tourists alike. Fruit will cost slightly more here than in an organic shop. Regardless, it is colourful, aromatic, tasty, and inspiring. It wouldn’t be my first stop for shopping for gifts, but it’s ideal for getting the market vibe. BTW – the market also has an organic produce shop that stocks many goods. Address: HaCarmel St, Tel Aviv;

Text and pictures: Signe Meirane
Photos taken with Sony alpha 7s