California. Sebastopol

Sebastopol is another story to tell. It is like a small bag filled with gold, and everything that happens in Sonoma stays in Sebastopol. Their cafes, coffee places, breweries, and restaurants are popping up like mushrooms, keeping in mind only one thing – local and sustainable. Wherever you go and ask – where does that come from, they will tell you. Some already have maps on their walls, some write it on their menu, some just tell you. The places are different ranging from Ramen Gajing that serves ramen and Asian food to Acre Coffeethat serves coffee and meals from locally sourced products to modern Californian cuisine restaurant Handlineand the all organic Papas and Pollo

We love to walk around Barlow, stopping at the locally grown flower shopCalifornia Sister Floral next to Taylor Lane Organic Coffee, shopping at the Community market, having a smoothie at The Nectary and wandering in breweries, wineries, bakeries and, especially, Elsie Green

Retrograde Coffeewith its hipster vibe serves one of the best cups of coffee in the city, but one has to pack in there like a sardine in a tin. Papas and Pollo, the Mexican heart and soul, is all about organic and straightforward Mexican taste. Wherever you go, there's good food in that small town. Too good for a place this small.